Monthly Archives: November 2021

Update – fall 2021

Just a small update to the site; many things have changed since I first started this website. It started out as a little experiment in sharing information about using technology in psychiatry and that landscape has completely changed – our EMR provider has been bought up by larger and larger companies and at this point there is very little hands-on IT to do. The coronavirus pandemic pushed virtual care into the mainstream so by now there is hardly anything new to say about that that is not already well-known.

There are still things to think about and discuss in the technology domain – like how much control should doctors maintain over our patients’ health information. Yes, of course, it’s important to do, but it also takes a lot of time and interest, and it’s much easier to just outsource it. Should we be using technology to do more and more, or actually try to go in the other direction, and simplify? How should we handle the constant flood of information that this technology seems to bring? I have felt the pull both ways, and lately I’m trying to do less. The world probably doesn’t need one more voice talking about this, and I could do with one less thing to work on.

I have removed the comments section of the website- after thinking about it for a while, I came to the conclusion that since I hardly maintain this site it is safer to do that, in order to avoid people posting a comment and never getting a reply. (And one less thing for me to have to keep track of). It is still possible to contact me through my office; if you call we will get back to you.

I have elected to keep the website up because I think it’s useful to have some kind of presence on the Internet, considering how much people use it these days, but I’m trying hard not to live too much online.